The Comedy of Lloyd & Donald

These are recordings, that for the most part, were done for our own self-amusement, as we indulged into one of our most favorite pastimes - our own "theater of the mind" - which was never intended to be shared with the outside world. We'd often mimic things we'd ourselves enjoy watching or listening to as kids - classic TV comedy (i.e. The Abbott & Costello Show), serial radio programs (E.J. Marshall's Mystery Theater), or Monty Python - but mostly, it seems, we'd rely heavily on our own relentless fixations - which were apparently senile old people, amputee vets, hyperactive kids and people inflicted with Elephantitis. On second thought maybe these things SHOULDN'T be shared with the outside world - but no no no... We've decided (well, I decided anyway) that if it makes US laugh, well... maybe others might enjoy it too - even if they don't fully understand it. So with that in mind, you might as well click on the players below,,, there's no turning back now...

Clicking on the links below will prompt them to play using your own computer's default player. To get back here simply click "back" in your browser.

French Restaurant - 2:28

Bedtime Story - 1.01

Grandma's Shit Chips - 1:36

The Hypnotist - 1:54

Uncle Sleazo Radio - 4:46

Preparation Buttock - 1:15

Grampa Chews Gum - 3:02

Father and Son - 6:02

Elephantitis is a Crippling Disease - 3:24

Teeth - 5:03

Polish Polka - 1:33

Opera Night - 1:55

I Rot Away - 1:30

Big Legged Emma - 0:25

Grandma's Shit Chips (The Return) - 5:26

Rubber Ducky - 3:00

Vets in Love - 4:16

Radio Time With Esteban - 3:25